Latest Happenings

Watching pre-season football.  The Redskins are trying to keep up with the Jets.  Barely.  I’m Preparing my radio show for this Saturday morning.  Typing my blog.  Editing my Facebook photo.  Beside me is a stack of Devo CDs.  A Peavey Zodiac bass guitar sits in front of me leaning against the hearth.  I am wearing headphones, listening to a group that seems to be Stereolab.  I check it.  No, it’s Howie B.  Two 45 rpm records sit next to me as well.  From my brother.  One is ‘Eye of the Tiger’ and the other is ‘No Easy Way Out’ both with links to the latter Rocky movies.

A physical journal sits on top of the CDs.  Four more CDs sit on top of that and two remote control devices lay on top of those.  The CDs, other than Devo are:  Moby – Bodyrock (Eight track remix single), Spectrum – Forever Alien, Bad Lieutenant – Never Cry Another Tear, Danger Mouse and Sparklehorse present Dark Night of the Soul.

Nightmares on Wax – You Wish is a great track.  Very chill.  Classic groove with a nice, vibe-style keyboard part.  Subtle, but effective.  Hope just came home and asks if there is anything to eat.  She is complaining that she got caught at work talking to someone and couldn’t leave when she wanted.  She usually stays later anyway.  Tia, our black kitten (getting bigger by the day) just wandered in.

Saturday, Gretchen and I visited the Virginia Museum of Fine Arts.  We made it to the Buddhist exhibit, the 21st Century exhibit and some of the 20th Century art.  I didn’t see everything that they had in their old space.  The new space looks nice, but seems to be missing some of the former collection.  Also, the Egyptian exhibit is closed.  The ‘Best’ cafe’ there is nice.  High style to eat some gourmet fast food, cafeteria style.  I did not eat all of my gourmet potato chips.

Hope’s test results came back from the endocrinologist and she’s completely fine.  I referred to the doctor as an indoctrinologist.  Hope laughed.  Tom Waits’ ‘Big In Japan’ is playing through one side of my headphones while I’m listening to the conversation from Hope.  She’s not anemic.  That’s good news.

“You know you’re bag is in the middle of the hallway here,” she tells me as she makes here way to the kitchen.

“Somebody moved it.” I tell her.  I can’t be sure she heard me.  Likely, Tia was messing around with it.