click on the picture

If you click on any of the art on this here blog, it pops up larger in a new window. I don’t think that’s intrinsically obvious which is why I have mentioned it here, though it will likely get lost amid the rest of the posts, but there you go.
At right is ‘Ash Boy Face’. I started out trying to paint a picture of one of our cats, Ash. I started out and realized it was beyond my feeble talents, but I thought this rough attempt was funny enough to keep. That’s exactly how I see him – that strange expression. Yes, I know it doesn’t look much like a cat.

New Paintings…

… and a new way of painting. This is the digital age and so why not digital painting? Done with Art Rage.

No, this ain’t Microsoft Paint bucko. It’s a whole new world of possibilities.
This was my first art drawing/mixed digital media work thing. It was done on a Toshiba tablet PC. It’s called, uh… well… ‘Clown’ or ‘Clown Man’ or you pick a more clever title.