Hillary Clinton Meets Morrissey

Sometimes lyrics suddenly take on poignant meaning given the appropriate situation and sometimes there are job odd correlations.

Regarding HRC’s recent ‘Bobby Kennedy’ reference:

“Bigmouth strikes again and I’ve got no right to take my place in the human race… now I know how Joan of Arc felt…”
–from ‘Bigmouth Strikes Again’, off of The Queen Is Dead

Regarding her would-be presidency:

“I know it’s over and it never really began but in my heart it was so real.”
–from ‘I Know It’s Over’, also off of The Queen Is Dead (or, as the academics say… ibid)

The Queen is dead indeed.

Another exercise in lyrical synchronicity occurs while one listens to Bowie’s ‘Scary Monsters’ (another apt description of HRC). Particulary tracks ‘It’s No Game’ (Part 2) and ‘Moon Over Alabama’ (We’ve lost our good ol’ Mama…)